Skincare Resolutions for the New Year: Your Guide to a Fresh Skincare Start in 2024

New year. New skincare goals. 

The old phrase, “out with the old and in with the new” is a perfect description of how to have beautiful glowing skin this year! Sloughing off the old cells and nurturing the new ones is how our skin continuously replenishes itself. Why not do what your skin wants to do naturally, and make some skincare resolutions for a fresh start?

As a first step in the new year, you could start by reviewing all of your current skin care products and throw out anything that is expired, dried out or losing its potency. By removing the “old”, you can make room for the “new”, making sure that all of your skin care items are things you really want to be putting on your skin. 

What a glowing start to 2024! 

Once you’re stocked with your supply of skincare goodies, you can adapt one or all of these goals to your routine this year. 

Goal #1 - Establish a Skincare Routine 

If you already have a skincare routine, then great! Keep doing that! But when you look over your habits and products, make sure they still apply to your current situation. Things like age, weather, and activities can change the texture and needs of your skin, so be sure the items you are using are the ones you want to continue with.

If you need ideas for developing a new routine, you can check out this blog, “How to Create a Daily Skincare Routine With Our Products.”  And if you’re looking for some new products that carry particular properties, you might like to read this blog, “Ingredients We Use in Our Natural Skincare Products.”

Establishing the skincare routine that reflects your current needs and finding products that meet those needs is a firm foundation for a new year of skincare success!

Goal #2 - Practice Living a Healthy Lifestyle 

Your overall lifestyle is going to show up in how you look. Your body is a direct reflection of how you live and what you do to promote good health. Things like exercise, getting enough sleep, and managing your stress are just a few things that affect the way our skin looks. 

When you exercise, you’re improving blood flow to the skin, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to move through the layers. Exercise helps your skin maintain its tone and elasticity. If you don’t already have a daily workout routine, adding one to your healthy lifestyle will not only benefit your bones and muscles, but will also have a major impact on your skin.

If you can get outside for part of your exercise time, you get an extra boost from the sun and fresh air too! Just remember to use sunscreen. Choose a product with an Spf of 30 or higher for best protection against things like skin cancer and premature aging.

Sitting in a sauna can also contribute to radiant skin. When we sweat, it opens up our pores releasing dirt, oils, and other stuff that clog them up. It also relaxes muscles and increases blood circulation. After a good rinse, remember to moisturize. We have plenty of organic lotions with essential oils that can give your skin just what it needs after a sauna session.

All that sweating can certainly leave you feeling dehydrated though. Something that’s important to remember to do not just after a sauna session, but in general; hydrate. Getting plenty of water is vital to our bodies functioning properly and our skin looking radiant, plump, and healthy. 

Your skin is the largest organ of the human body, so you can be sure that whatever you do, it’s going to show up in how your skin looks, feels, and functions. Live well and treat your skin to the best skincare products.

Goal #3 - Eat to Live, Don’t Live to Eat

It’s not only what you put ON your body, but what you put IN it. Sometimes it can feel like we’re in a world of temptations that invoke the cries of, “Nuggets and burgers and fries! Oh My!” but if you really want to have the beautiful glowing skin of your dreams, you need to think about what you’re feeding it. 

Of course we’ve all heard the saying, “you are what you eat.” What that means is that the foods you ingest are all creating the cells of the future. If you eat a lot of unhealthy processed foods with grease, fat, and sugar, it’s going to show. Your skin will erupt in an attempt to rid your body of toxic ingredients. If you want skin that shines like an apple or is soft as a peach, you need to eat with those kinds of foods in mind.

Goal #4 - Know What You’re Putting On Your Body 

It’s important to look at the ingredients in skincare products. Learning about how products are absorbed and which products to avoid can be helpful in making skin care choices. 

Skin absorbs things easily through the epidermis, the top layer. It’s very porous and can allow absorption through pores and even hair follicles. Some things, like medical ingredients in patches can go through lower layers and even enter the bloodstream. 

Using natural organic ingredients for skin care, and knowing how they are made, is essential to be sure you’re getting quality products that will bring about the most benefits. You can trust us to offer only the best ingredients in the products that grace your skin.

Goal #5 - Find a Passion 

Have you ever seen someone who is totally passionate about something? You can see it all over them. They’re literally glowing! Their eyes are bright. Their cheeks are pink and they’re radiant from head to toe! Why is that? Because being passionate, happy, and excited about something produces all kinds of happy chemicals that make us feel good…and our skin reacts to them as well. 

This joy and passion for life can take form in a variety of ways. It can be the love you have for a partner, a child, a pet, or any other thing that triggers those feelings. You can be passionate about a certain place, an activity, music or dance. Whatever makes you feel those expanded and elevated emotions will help you to level up your life in more ways than you can imagine. And seriously, your skin is going to show it. 

Happiness is just one of those things that pretty much makes everything else work. It brings down stress levels and promotes good health and wellbeing in the best kind of way. Let go of anything that makes you frown, wince and scowl. You just don’t need that in your life this year.

To keep those feelings of joy going, try using a special scented lotion that reminds you of that person, place or thing that you’re passionate about. Studies have shown that the very scent of something can trigger your memory and create the same feeling. 

There’s a lot more than just surface level skincare that goes into having great skin. It’s more of a lifestyle. When planning your skincare strategy for 2024, do your best to make healthy choices, show yourself some love, and watch how your glowing self is reflected back to you! 


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