Keeping Bugs at Bay - A Guide to Citronella Products

As the warm summer breeze beckons us outdoors, so do the unwelcome companions of the season – bugs! These bothersome little bugs can wreak havoc on your outdoor adventures and leave you scratchin’ more than relaxin’. 

But fret not, as Sage Stone Botanicals has the perfect bug-repelling solution: the natural power of citronella. We’ve harnessed this natural bug repellent and turned it into skincare products you’ll actually want to use (and they actually work!) 

In this blog post, we delve into the wonders of citronella, explore our specially crafted Citronella Spray and Lotion, and discover why they're the ultimate bug-repelling heroes you need this summer!

What is Citronella

Citronella is an essential oil derived from Cymbopogon grasses, primarily referred to as lemongrass. Its distinctive tangy scent has made it a popular ingredient in bug repellents for decades. 

Don’t get it twisted though, Citronella is not ~technically~ a lemongrass. While these plants share a lot of characteristics, enough that they often share a name, Citronella does vary slightly in its leaves and scent. Citronella works as a natural insect deterrent due to its potent compounds, including citronellal and geraniol, which bugs find highly unpleasant. While humans may find its scent refreshing, bugs are repelled by it, making citronella an eco-friendly and non-toxic alternative to chemical bug repellents.

Sage Stone Botanicals Citronella Products

At Sage Stone Botanicals, we've used citronella to create two effective bug-repelling products: our Citronella Spray and Lotion. Let's explore their unique features:

a) Citronella Spray: Our Citronella Spray is your go-to outdoor solution for pesky bug encounters. It comes in a convenient spray bottle, making application a breeze. Infused with pure citronella essential oil and other natural ingredients, this spray creates a barrier against mosquitoes, flies, and other annoying insects. Simply spritz it on your skin, clothing, and even around your outdoor seating area to keep bugs at bay while you enjoy the great outdoors.

b) Citronella Lotion: For those looking for a more targeted approach, our Citronella Lotion is a dream come true. This creamy lotion is perfect for those with tough, dry skin or anyone in need of extra moisturizing. Just slather on the lotion, and let it work its magic in keeping bugs away.

Why They Work

The secret to citronella's effectiveness lies in its powerful natural compounds. As insects perceive citronella as an off-putting sensory experience, they instinctively avoid the scent, making it an efficient insect repellent. Oftentimes, spiders will also find this scent to be something they’d rather avoid. Moreover, citronella's non-toxic nature makes it safe for use around humans and pets, without causing any harm to the environment. While you shouldn’t use it directly on your pets, having it on yourself while you’re around them shouldn’t cause any problems. Unlike chemical repellents, our Citronella Spray and Lotion provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones. It’s an added bonus that it smells lovely too!

As you spend your summer days outside, don't let pesky bugs hinder your outdoor fun. 

With Sage Stone Botanicals' Citronella Spray and Lotion, you can enjoy the warm weather without worry. You can keep you and your family bite-free all season long. And you can let your summer adventures be memorable and bug-free!


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