Being Leaping Bunny Certified - What This Means for Us

The natural skincare industry has seen a significant increase in demand for cruelty-free and natural products as of late. The rising concern among consumers about the harmful effects of chemicals that some skincare products contain and their animal testing has led to a shift towards more ethical and sustainable practices and products in the beauty community. 

As a result, natural skincare companies are on the rise, and being Leaping Bunny certified has become a highly sought-after achievement. Why exactly does being Leaping Bunny certified matter though? 

Let’s dive into it!

What is Leaping Bunny? 

Leaping Bunny is an internationally recognized certification program that verifies that a company has met their rigorous cruelty-free standards. Born out of a need to streamline standards, Leaping Bunny has set out to determine a clear-cut definition of what “cruelty-free” means. 

The standards include a commitment to no animal testing at any stage of product development, both for the company and its ingredient suppliers. This standard is upheld to a high degree with both the business selling the products and all manufacturers and suppliers involved showing their compliance and commitment to the cruelty-free way. 

In order to become Leaping Bunny certified, companies must provide detailed documentation to prove that they meet these standards. This includes a thorough investigation of their supply chain to ensure that no animal testing is conducted by any of their suppliers. The process is free but is worth far more when considering how many animal’s lives are spared by businesses choosing not to test on them. 

What Makes Leaping Bunny Different?

There is one main reason that sets Leaping Bunny apart from other cruelty-free brands: Animal Testing. While animal testing bans are in place in several countries and states, there are still loopholes in the law that allow brands to test on animals through third party systems that are not established in an area with a ban in place. 

This goes further in that brands can still boast a “cruelty-free” label even if they take advantage of these loopholes or use ingredients that are manufactured by a company that does animal testing. The brand itself may not test their finished product on an animal, but the ingredients that go into it could be. 

What makes Leaping Bunny different is their commitment to no animal testing and holding brands and suppliers accountable. They require those who are certified to perform routine monitoring checks of their suppliers to ensure that nothing is falling between the cracks…and ending up in the fur of a poor, helpless animal. Businesses must recommit annually to uphold their certification. 

Benefits of Being Leaping Bunny Certified 

Being Leaping Bunny certified has numerous benefits for natural skincare companies. 

Firstly, it shows a clear commitment to cruelty-free practices, which is highly valued by consumers these days. No one wants to see a sad dog or an injured bunny. Now more than ever, social media makes these practices more visible and it’s harder to ignore the problem when it’s staring back at you from your phone screen as you scroll. This certification can help build trust and loyalty with customers who are looking for ethical and sustainable products, which in turn leads to increased sales and customer retention. 

Another benefit of being Leaping Bunny certified is that as the demand for being truly cruelty-free and having access to natural products continues to rise, being certified can give companies a competitive edge in the market.

This attention can also open up opportunities for companies to expand their reach and grow their business. By being certified, companies can demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices and gain access to a wider customer base that Leaping Bunny can provide through their audience and spotlight features. 

Moreover, being Leaping Bunny certified can also have a positive impact on the environment. Many natural skincare companies that are Leaping Bunny certified also use sustainable and eco-friendly practices in their production processes. By choosing to use plant-based ingredients and avoiding animal testing, these companies help reduce the environmental impact of the skincare industry as a whole. 


So there you have it-all the tea on being Leaping Bunny certified and how crucial it is for natural skincare companies that want to make a positive impact on the industry. 

As consumers become more conscious of their choices, being Leaping Bunny certified will become an increasingly important achievement in the natural skincare industry. Paired with the positive impact on the environment, this certification is making it a win-win situation for both us and the planet. 


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